16/14 - Lets GET Another WIN Here 近16中14-英超精选

KD Shark




01/21 04:15



Fulham vs Manchester United

I will admit that Fulham has looked better lately but I still think they will have a hard time to survive in the Premier League. After 5 draws in a row in the Premier League Fulham lost their last game by 0:1 at home against Chelsea and even they lost they showed a good performance even by playing the whole second half with 10 men, but Chelsea was able to score the winning goal what ended in the streak of Fulham of 5 games without a loss. Before that game they played Tottenham on the road who ended in a 1:1, in that game Tottenham dominated and should been able to score multiple times but after the 1:0 Tottenham relaxed and Fulham took advantage off, why I'm talking about the Tottenham game, well, Fulham is coming of 2 very intensive games, Tottenham and Chelsea and against Chelsea they played whe whole second half with 10 men and I expect them to be a bit tired for this game what are bad news because Manchester United has fast players in the attack that can hurt their defensive line. For this game Fulham are without Cairney, Lemina and Kongolo. Robinson and Decordova-Reid are suspended for the game.

Manchester United are fighting for the Premier League title, they are current in 2nd place, 1 point behind Leicester but with less 1 game played, however, they have only a 2 point lead over Manchester City but have played 1 game more then City what makes this game very important for them, after that 0:0 road draw against Liverpool the team can afford to lose points here and even the game ended in a draw what can be considered a great result, Manchester United could have won that game but unfortunately Bruno Fernandes and Pogba missed some great chances in that game what costed Manchester United 2 very important points. However, Manchester United has been in great shape, especially on the road, they are the best road team in the league with 7 wins and 2 draws in 9 games and the two draws were against Leicester and the Champions Liverpool, against the elite teams, against this type of teams they have won all their games. For this game Manchester United are without Jones, Williams and Rojo.

Even Fulham has been playing better they have some problems for this game in my opinion, they are coming of two very intensive games and now they will have another one, Antonee Robinson is suspended for this game and he has been a key part of Fulham defensive improvements lately and without him I think Manchester United will have more scoring chances and also Fulham Top scorer is suspended too what will make their attack been heavily focused on Ivan Cavaleiro what should make Manchester United defensive line life easier. I like how Manchester United has been playing an improving and I expect them to beat this Fulham team and get the 3 points, I hope Coach Soljskaer will bet on Cavani in the attack because on paper he would be a really bad match-up for Fulham's defensive line but even if he doesn't start into the game I like Manchester United chances to win this game.

Good Luck

我承认富勒姆最近的情况看起来更好,但我仍然认为他们在英超联赛中将很难保级。在英超联赛中连续五局平局之后,富勒姆队在主场对阵切尔西的比赛中以0:1输掉了比赛,即使输了,他们也表现出了不错的表现,以10名球员打满了下半场,但切尔西最后时刻才打进制胜球,富勒姆5轮不败势头告终。在那场比赛之前,他们在对阵热刺的比赛中以1:1打平,在那场比赛中热刺占了上风,应该能够取得更大的优势,但是在1:0托特纳姆热刺放松之后,富勒姆获得了优势,为什么我要说热刺的比赛,富勒姆有2场非常激烈的比赛,连续对阵热刺切尔西,上一场比赛下半场还只能以10人应战,他们应该会对此比赛感到疲倦,这是个坏消息,因为曼联快速的进攻者会伤害他们的防守线。对于本场比赛,富勒姆缺少凯恩尼,莱米娜和孔戈洛。 Robinson和Decordova-Reid被停赛。


